by Emma | Mar 30, 2021 | Being cunning
Escaping planet postdoc without guilt. This is a constant theme when I work with postdocs. It’s either feeling guilty about leaving full stop or leaving academia Or even leaving one bit of discipline for a slightly different discipline. There are often feelings...
by Emily Montgomery | Sep 5, 2020 | Being cunning, Workplace skills
SPACESHIP!!!! OK, not a spaceship. But a ship. Or a boat at least. But the Nerd Coach has returned from the family holiday with her powerboat licence. Oh boy (or buoy?) was it fun. My boat was a mix of the Enterprise (at least I said Warp Factor 6 in my head whilst...
by Emily Montgomery | Aug 30, 2020 | Being cunning
I’m Not a Betting Nerd But… I work with many great sparky people. Many of these are postdocs on fixed term contracts. Many of these would like a lectureship position. Now they are all fantastic researchers, but the simple fact is that if your institution...
by Emily Montgomery | Aug 25, 2020 | Being cunning
Don’t Kill Kermit! ‘Eat the frog’ is not a recipe for grilled Muppet but a personal management technique. The idea is that you do the thing you don’t want to but *need* to. The most important thing. First thing in the morning. Obviously after...
by Emily Montgomery | Aug 20, 2020 | Being cunning, Workplace skills
Have you a Babel fish handy? Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide has many great parts, but I particularly love the concept of a Babel fish. Pop one in your ear and you can understand any language. The TARDIS in Doctor Who does the same thing. Are you getting...
by Emily Montgomery | Aug 15, 2020 | Being cunning
Ready to Make an Impact? So, I am excited (I know, again). Tonight, sees Good Omens start on Amazon Prime. One of my favourite books hits the small(ish) screen. It is a tale of an angel and a demon. It’s a tale of the impact that a single action can have....