Writing for postdocs

I chose the scientific path so I wouldn’t have to write as school essays never filled me with joy! As a postdoc, I told myself it was hard to write. But in attempting a blogging challenge several years ago, I discovered that writing for a purpose and sharing my ideas was something I loved to do.

My portfolio (oh how postdoc me would have fainted!) is below. And I’d love you to get involved via my book buddy scheme …


Leaving academia: ditch the blanket, take the skills

Is out now! Excited to bring this short but powerful book into the world. 

Let’s face facts the numbers simply mean not everyone can be a lecturer.

But what if academia was the alternative career ….

The UNIque Guide for women: Embracing your career in research and beyond

The women’s development course is now a helpful workbook to reach a wider audience of fabulous female researchers!

Packed full of helpful questions and exercises to boost your career (academic or otherwise) arrange in 4 step by step sections.

A woman holds an e-reader with What every postdoc needs to know on it

What every postdoc needs to know (2017)

Is it surprising a physicist writes a book with a ‘does what it says on the cover’ title? My co-authors and I cover everything from choosing a postdoc to escaping one with a healthy dose of making the most of it in the middle. Described by Chris Jeffs of The University of Oxford’s Careers Service as “the postdoc bible”.

2nd edition – Summer 2024

A series of articles with pictures and abstracts

Articles for Times Higher Education Campus

I now have a portfolio (that word again!) of articles on topics such as the sunk cost fallacy and why you should embrace LinkedIn as a researcher (you really should!).

Interested in writing?

Curious about the author journey or my books? Let’s chat

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