Know the odds

Know the odds

I’m Not a Betting Nerd But… I work with many great sparky people. Many of these are postdocs on fixed term contracts. Many of these would like a lectureship position. Now they are all fantastic researchers, but the simple fact is that if your institution...
Don’t Kill Kermit!

Don’t Kill Kermit!

Don’t Kill Kermit! ‘Eat the frog’ is not a recipe for grilled Muppet but a personal management technique. The idea is that you do the thing you don’t want to but *need* to. The most important thing. First thing in the morning. Obviously after...
Ready to Make an Impact

Ready to Make an Impact

Ready to Make an Impact? So, I am excited (I know, again). Tonight, sees Good Omens start on Amazon Prime. One of my favourite books hits the small(ish) screen. It is a tale of an angel and a demon. It’s a tale of the impact that a single action can have....

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