Career chasm? Let's create career clarity

Coaching session

Trying to navigate a tricky work issue? Unsure about where your career is going?

I am a qualified coach who has been in and around STEM people for over 25 years. I've been there, worn the lab coat.

Book in for a coaching session and we will unpack the issue, explore options and focus on the next steps.

Application clinic

Found the dream job? Need some advice on your application?

I've lost count of the number of CVs, application forms and covering leters I've reviewed. I've helped people sell themselves brilliantly on paper.

Book in for a clinic session and we will review your application. Together we can really make it shine!

Quick cuppa

Unsure if we would make a great team? Worried that coaching might be a bit 'fluffy'?

Well scientists are trained sceptics!

Book in for a quick virtual chat. Grab a cuppa (I'll be having coffee!) and let's talk.

CVs reviewed

Years in researcher development

Average coffees a day

If a postdoc came with a manual ...

“It covers all the right araes and all the kinds of questions I hear a lot, with a good overview of things as well as specifics nd practical advice.”

Dr Elizabeth Adams, University of Glasgow

Helping you take that next career step – proactively & postively*

* leave that impostor syndrome or sense of academic failure behind

Everyone's contract date is coming. Are you ready to escape planet postdoc?

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