I hear this cry often in my one to ones with technical folk. But a digital presence is required to move our careers forward. LinkedIn is currently a great way of doing that. it appears in search engine results, it’s designed to be a professional, work related site and it doesn’t demand an update every 5 minutes. No pictures of dinner or a complete insta make-up job required.

Often people just sign in, use it as an address book and then forget their password. Use this to your advantage by being one of the few in your field who really engage. An update once or twice a week would do it. Possibly the lowest effort for a social media presence.

A few simple things do need to be right to engage people though. So I have created the infographic below.

Want help moving on in your career? I can help 

I really trust what Paul Copcutt says about LinkedIn trends  – Delve deeper here

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