How do I get into science policy?

How do I get into science policy?

Ever wondered why the government made a particular decision? Concerned that the charity you support is spending its money in an evidence based manner? Dreaming of using your scientific super powers for good? Want to make real change in the world around you? Science...
Alternative science careers

Alternative science careers

Fed up with academic research? Industrial R&D not floating your boat? There are a wealth of alternative science careers that can use your technical knowledge and scientific expertise. Often these alternative science jobs are looking for experience just like yours...
What shall I do after my postdoc?

What shall I do after my postdoc?

If I had a pound for every time I am asked this question, I would definitely be the proud owner of the Lego Death Star. But it is such an important question! Related to this question is “Shall I do another postdoc?”. Both have the same answer –...

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