
Handy bits of advice and thoughts on careers
5 Top Tips for LinkedIn

5 Top Tips for LinkedIn

I HATE SOCIAL MEDIA! I hear this cry often in my one to ones with technical folk. But a digital presence is required to move our careers forward. LinkedIn is currently a great way of doing that. it appears in search engine results, it's designed to be a professional,...

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Be shameless

Be shameless

Be shameless. Be like Cersei Lannister in Games of Thrones. Both pieces of advice from a new lecturer. He was speaking on my course for researchers thinking about applying for fellowships. Be like an evil queen who is determined to get her way! Shocking advice from...

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Top 5 CV Essentials

Top 5 CV Essentials

STOP! Did you remember to tailor your CV? I was working with a client recently who had applied to several jobs with the same CV. "I heard nothing back. I wonder why I bothered." Well the recruiter was probably wondering exactly that as a generic CV landed on their...

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Time saving tips

Time saving tips

Where did that hour / week / millennium go? Time management is always an issue with my clients. And you only have to look at a self help section in a bookshop to know it can be a huge problem for many of us. So I've put together the nuggets below which help me. Trust...

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