Handy bits of advice and thoughts on careersDon’t Kill Kermit!
Don't Kill Kermit! 'Eat the frog' is not a recipe for grilled Muppet but a personal management technique. The idea is that you do the thing you don't want to but *need* to. The most important thing. First thing in the morning. Obviously after that all important cup of...
Have You a Babel Fish Handy?
Have you a Babel fish handy? Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide has many great parts, but I particularly love the concept of a Babel fish. Pop one in your ear and you can understand any language. The TARDIS in Doctor Who does the same thing. Are you getting your...
Ready to Make an Impact
Ready to Make an Impact? So, I am excited (I know, again). Tonight, sees Good Omens start on Amazon Prime. One of my favourite books hits the small(ish) screen. It is a tale of an angel and a demon. It's a tale of the impact that a single action can have. Possibly...
Improving your digital presence
"Let's get digital" as Olive Newton John *never* sang Recently I was working with researchers from The University of Brighton on their digital presence. All things online ... Youngest nerdling and I wrestled with some avatar creation software (no not the big, blue...
Who you gonna call? Who are your referees?
Who you gonna call? Who are your referees? As we get into August I have a burst of optimism that I will get lost of 'stuff' done. Both work wise and home wise. What my brain has failed to factor in is the three nerds-in-training who need entertaining / prising from...
Are You In the 80 or the 20?
Are you in the Pareto 80 or the 20? Have you heard of the Pareto 80 20 principle? When working with a group of people in a training setting there are those that get on with the task, find the zoom link or fill in the exercise. And then there are the ones who can't...